Irish National Sailing School

National Powerboat Certificate (Level 2) C-50

Start Date: August 13, 2024


Course Title :
National Powerboat Certifcate (Level 2)
Cost :
Accreditation :
Irish Sailing
Course Duration :
2 days
Course Times :
Minimum Age :
16 years

The course runs over two days from 9.30am-5.30pm and covers:

  • Learning how to Leave and Come Alongside a Dock.
  • Learning the art of picking up a Mooring.
  • Anchoring.
  • Turning in confined spaces / operating in busy marina areas.
  • Recovering a person fallen overboard.
  • Rules of the Road.
  • Launch and Recovery from a Road Trailer.
  • Safety and Planning.
  • Tying up to a dock.
  • All necessary knots to include Round Turn, Reef Knot and Bowline.

The above is just a taste of the many areas covered on the course. We aim to provide you with the perfect foundation and template in the sport of Powerboating. The course is conducted in a number of different boat types which may include tiller arm Yak boats with 15 horse power engines and RIBs (Rigid inflatable boats) of up to 175 horsepower.

Our cancellation policy for this course can be viewed here.

What to Bring
We provide waterproofs, lifejacket / buoyancy aid and all other safety equipment but it is necessary to bring the following:

Warm layers to wear underneath water proofs.
Grippy footwear that you don't mind getting a splash or two, old runners are ideal.
Suncream and hat!
Woolly Hat (for the colder days)
Change of clothes, you're unlikely to fall in, but better to have them just in case.
Shower Gear - Towel, Shampoo etc - for the same reason.
Packed Lunch

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