Irish National Sailing School
Coastal Skipper C-3
The Coastal Skipper course is full of advanced skippering techniques for yachtsmen and women with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation,ย wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night.
Like the Day Skipper course, this course consists of skippered passages in a variety of situations. Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages and learn more about passage planning, pilotage by day and night, boat handling, safety and emergency situations.ย There is a residential option if required.
Coastal Skippers should be able to undertake more difficult passages by day and night and handle the yacht in more demanding conditions.
- Intricate Passage Planning
- Preparation for Offshore Passages
- Pilotage plans for entering into harbours and coves by day and night
- In depth skippering including all responsibilities
- Advanced Yacht Handling under power
- Heavy weather sailing and preparation
- Understanding how to abandon a vessel.
All courses meet at our Clubhouse, the first building on the West Pier in Dun Laoghaire, on first day of course. Where courses run on concurrent days overnight accommodation is aboard the yacht. Course finish times may vary depending on destinations and weather conditions.
Our cancellation policy for this course can be viewedย here.
Competent Crew Course - Excellent Instructor - Having done a few courses with the INSS over the summer of 2023, and some sailing on the Mediterranean, doing the Competent Crew course with others who were doing the Day Skipper course at the same time was the highlight of my time learning how to sail. The reason it was the highlight was largely due to the course instructor Shona O'Dowd (I made certain to get her full name before leaving to give her the credit she deserved). Huge knowledge and experience mixed with a great attitude, with friendliness, patience and approachability making Shona stand out and make each day of the course something to look forward to regardless of weather or experience level. Shona guided practical use of all facets of sailing knowledge excellently and never micromanaged or tried to exert too much control, thereby never limiting the learning that can take place for students.
This teaching style is difficult to find, having seen a variety of instructors and their styles, in different countries and even within the INSS, and so you will be very lucky if you get Shona on your boat when it comes your turn to learn the ropes (literally). All in all, the Competent Crew course was very enjoyable, and I just wanted to give credit where it was due.Maps57686967283